Do you need a new GPS? Checkout my new site

Most of my sites I have built myself, but at only $100 I couldn’t pass up my latest find GPS Find. I purchased this site on the Sitepoint Marketplace. The site is monetized with the eBay affiliate program and Adsense. The site is brand new so once I can build some page rank, I’ll try […]

If I am going to be mugged, I want it to be by this guy.

Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, “I’d like to be robbed today”. But if I just have to be robbed, it be nice to for the perpetrator to be kind, courteous, and only take what he needs. That’s exactly what happened to an eighteen year old teen as he was walking out of […]

I Just Transfered my Most Important Domain Name from Registrar Godaddy

A couple of months ago, I ran across a post that got me curious. The poster mentioned he had sent out link exchange requests on one of his domains. Obviously, one of the recipients of his request regarded it as spam and reported it to his registrar Godaddy. This poster claimed Godaddy locked not only […]

Free WordPress Templates 3 Column, 2 Column, and no Column Designs.

There are tons of free WordPress templates available. You only need to do a Google search to find them. But it never fails, I can never find a template with the specs I want. Searching for a free template can be frustrating and paying for a custom template can be expensive. What if you could […]

Web Stats Analytics Software / Log Analyzers Review – Google Analytics, Fusestats, Stat Counter, and Phpmyvisites

Google Analytics – In April of 2005, Google purchased a software company named Urchin Software Corporation. Urchin provided web analytics software that was reportedly used by millions of customers including 20% of all Fortune 500 companies. Google added new features to the software and eventually allowed anyone to use it for free. GA is free […]

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