Free SEO Tools – SEO for Firefox
Usually things that are free are worth what you paid for them, nothing. But this couldn't be further from the truth if you are talking about the SEO for Firefox plugin.
For those that don't know, Firefox is a browser much like Internet Explorer or Netscape. It is simply a program that allows you to browse the internet. When you buy a new computer, more often than not, it comes with Internet Explorer already installed. A lot of people don't bother switching browsers, but it looks like that is changing.
Firefox boasts they now have 25 million users. A lot of these users have switched to Firefox simply because it isn't a Microsoft product. Why does everyone love to hate Bill Gates?
There is also a claim that the Firefox browser is less prone to security attacks. I believe this has less to do with Firefox being a superior product and more to do with the fact that the vast majority of people are still using Internet Explorer. It only makes sense that hackers would target the largest group of users. Think about it. Are you going to fish in the pond with 25 fish or the pond with 250 fish?
As far as usability is concerned, I use both products and don't notice much of a difference with basic use. What sells me on Firefox is the software is free and it is considered Open Source Code Software. Open Code simply means the source code is available for other programmers to create plugins that can be used to perform specific tasks.
One of these plugins is called SEO for Firefox. I just spent nearly $500 for a SEO Software program that the Firefox browser with this SEO plugin does for free. In comparison, the SEO plugin actually outperforms the program I paid top dollar for. It is a lot faster and provides information not available in the paid program. If I knew 4 weeks ago what I know now, I'd have an extra $500 in my pocket.
When you search for a keyword using Google or Yahoo, the SEO plugin will instantly show you how the top sites made it to the top of the search engines. It automatically gives you the following info for each site:
-Google PageRank
-Age of site
-Incoming Links
-Incoming .edu Links
-Incomging .gov Links
-Incoming Page Links
-Incoming Technorati Links
-Alexa Rank
-dmoz Listing Listing
-WhoIs Data
-And much more...
The program is simple to install and use. You can download Firefox absolutely free by clicking the Firefox banner below.
After you have downloaded and installed Firefox, just visit Aaron Wall's Blog using the Firefox browser. He has a page with the download link and full instructions for using the SEO Plugin. You can find Aaron's page by clicking this link. Seo for Firefox
Good Luck with SEO
Tags: download firefox, download seo for firefox, fire fox, firefox, free seo, free seo tools, SEO, seo for firefox, seo tools
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