Free Link Building Software – Comment Kahuna
I just learned of a free link building software over at Dan Thies SEO Fast Start Blog. It is called Comment Kahuna. It ISN'T an automated bot that goes around leaving spam over a list of blogs in hopes of getting back links. It IS a good tool to connect with other blogs with similar content.
First let me say, I'm not a comment spammer. I don't post on other peoples blogs in hopes of getting a few back links. If you are one of the morons that have nothing better to do than waste other blogger's time and bandwith in hopes of landing yourself a few back links, then you suck! I don't condone your activities and I don't use Comment Kahuna for purposes of leaving spam.
When I create a new blog post, Comment Kahuna gives me the ability to enter a search query to find other blogs that are talking about the same thing. It automates the process of visiting those blogs and leaving comments. Let me explain.
You can prefill Comment Kahuna with your name, email address, and website url. It also has the ability for you to prefill your comment which I never do. I make sure any comment I leave is unique and adds to the discussion of the blog I am visiting.
Once I've added my details, I simply view the list of blogs that Comment Kahuna presented from the search query. I visit each one and read the post. If the topic is something that I am interested in and I have something to add to the discussion, I'll press a button on Comment Kahuna and it will automatically fill the name, email address, and url of my blog on the comment form. At this point, I am left to leave my comment and submit it.
If you were a jerk, you could use Comment Kahuna as a tool to leave spam. So is Comment Kahuna good or bad? I think Dan Thies said it best when he asked the question, "Do Guns Kill People?"
For me Comment Kahuna has been a good tool to connect with other bloggers. When used correctly, it is a win - win for you and the other blogger. They get new related content and a new reader. You get a back link and the ability to connect with someone writing on a related subject. No one looses if you use Comment Kahuna properly.
Tags: back link software, backlinks, comment bot, comment kahuna, comment spam, free comment software
I tried out Comment Kahuna but found that the software was lacking in terms of reporting dofollow/nofollow blogs. If it misreported but I still found the article interesting, then no problem, I’ll leave a comment.
And yes, I work hard for my links and I take time to read the post. (You have very good information btw, I might have to check out investing in the Yahoo directory listing).
Anyways, I digress. I was recommended Fast Blog Finder and so far, I like it. The free version allows for a buffer of 50 blogs in the results listing and as you know, dofollows are hard to find. I might go ahead and buy it.
Hi Mariam,
There are a couple of things I don’t like about Comment Kahuna. One is the reporting of follow / nofollow blogs like you mentioned. The other is the search feature is lacking as well. The third is it sometimes pulls the same blog in 2 – 3 times for a single search result. If you aren’t careful, you will end up leaving the same comment on the same blog 2 – 3 times. Not very good.
Thanks for the heads up on Fast Blog Finder. I seen that software the other day and may try it out.